This is a weekly activity.
The group meets in the Douglas Park Bowling Club on Tuesdays 10am-12noon.
This is a taught course. We focus on one specific hand each term. To date we
have been working on “Black Letter Gothic”, both lower and upper case and
simple decorated capitals. Our next area is to be the “Italic” hands.
This course is an exploration of letter forms and decorative texts.
Calligraphy is taught as a decorative art form. Although this is not specifically a
handwriting course, as members become familiar with writing implements, inks
and papers, they will inevitably become more aware of their own writing.
Initially it is not necessary for new members to purchase tools, as specific items
such as pens can be loaned from the tutor. We hope that members will try out
dip pens, felt tips and brush lettering, inks and gouache and build up their own
preferred kit. The class also holds a substantial collection of books
on calligraphy and decoration which members can refer to and borrow.
The group leader/tutor is Jim Bassett Tel. 01475 672754