The Sundown Players Drama Group
The Drama Group currently meets weekly between September and March on a Monday afternoon in the Choir Room at Clark Memorial Church, Largs.
The group aims to put on a live show every March, performing to an audience of OIR members, family and friends. We have performed a variety of plays and sketches including comedies, pantomimes, staged radio plays and murder mysteries with subjects ranging from the farcical to current issues and social history.
Some of our members have been involved with amateur dramatics for a number of years. Others join as complete novices, growing in confidence and skill, supported by a lovely group of friendly and enthusiastic like-minded people.
It’s not “all work and no play” as we always have time for a chat and a cup of tea during rehearsals and try to arrange a couple of social events during the year.
Anyone interested in joining our group and would like to act, help with props, costumes, scenery, lighting or sound, is welcome to come along. We would particularly welcome more men as this would give us a wider scope when deciding which plays we can perform. Don’t be shy guys!
Please contact the group leader if you are interested in joining us.
Monday Afternoon
1.30 till 4 pm. Clark Memorial Church Choir Room
Group Leader – Pauline McIntosh Tel 01475 522034