This is a recently formed group and is still in the process of finding its feet. The intention is to hold a meeting in the George Hotel at the start of every other month, followed by a field trip to a local site of interest at the start of the following month. The meetings in the George will consider an aspect of global geology, then possibly a guest speaker followed by a review and discussion of the field trip upcoming in the following month.
Geology is a huge subject covering fossils, rocks, ancient geography over a huge time span and natural resources; however the intention is to try and relate it all to Ayrshire and Scotland.
All are welcome to come along and every attempt will be made to explain where we can!
Please contact the group leader if you are interested in joining us.
Meets 2nd. Tuesday of the month at 2 pm. in the George Hotel or on a field trip.
Contact – Michael Poole Tel 07884 116082 01294 829327