A General Meeting, to which all Members are invited, is held at 2 pm in the Largs Community Church Hall normally on the first Wednesday of each month, from September to June, except during Lent * Thursday.
There is usually a Guest Speaker or some other form of entertainment, followed by a chance to meet and chat with Members.
In addition, announcements are made about any changes to the Groups or Activities, including any new items.
Light refreshments are provided at the end of each Meeting. There is also an opportunity to seek out Group Leaders and Committee Members to ask any questions that you may have and to make suggestions for new Activities to be added to our list.
The list below presents an outline of the program
4th. September Open Day
2nd. October " Painting for fun " Gillian Park
6th. November Isle of Cumbrae Distillers
4th. December Clyde Coast Strathspey and Reel Society
8th. January "Titanic " Sean Szmale.
5th. February " Concorde Air Hostess " Audry Kolon
6th. March OIR Drama Group "The Sundowner Players"
3rd April "Butterflies, Damsels and Dragons " Eddie Williams
7th. May "Go Home and Sit Still " Liz Allen
4th. June Annual General Meeting and Musical Entertainment